Friday, April 8, 2016

Insomnia and Heartburn...Teaming Up on Me!

Insomnia is a long time foe of mine. We have been battling it out together for years. I have tried all sorts of remedies natural and prescription (I'm never taking prescription meds for it again!) and have had very limited relief. And by limited, I mean a few nights of decent rest before the remedy no longer offered even a hint of help getting me to sleep.

Combine my regular insomnia with pregnancy insomnia and well...I'm essentially a zombie currently. I'm tired. I'm irritable. And I'm likely to chew on you if you try to get close to me!

So...what can cause insomnia during pregnancy? Several things actually.

- Getting up to pee several times every night
-Leg cramps
-Difficulty getting comfortable
-Vivid dreams (and I have some doozies!)
-Hormonal changes

So...what is a mom-to-be to do?

I put myself together a small "insomnia" kit. I always wake up thirsty so having water to sip on is a must. Heartburn hits me randomly at night so I've got some Tums at the ready. And of course, reading material for when there isn't a chance I'm falling back asleep anytime soon!

I've heard that exercising, cutting caffeine, temperature adjustments of the bedroom, lighting, and routine can all help overcome insomnia. However, I've tried it all plus some and have yet to find relief but you may so try them out and see!

If you still can't sleep, you can use this quiet time to catch up on some much wanted reading so not a total loss!

I've heard for years pregnancy insomnia exists to help us get ready for sleepless nights once the baby is here. I think its just some freak of nature issue many of us have to endure that has nothing to do with sleepless nights as a new mom, which have causes all of their own!

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