Thursday, June 9, 2016

3D Ultrasound!

It has been a whirlwind of activity here. So much so, I'm almost not even sure where to begin!

For starters, I've been having tons of contractions for quite some time. Luckily, I'm only a finger tip dilated still, despite having very noticeable contractions every 5 minutes for the past few days. Even better news? My MFM Dr has put me on a weekly monitoring schedule to be sure we have no issues with either Little Fox or myself.

The weekly monitoring includes the non stress test (NST) which looks at Little Fox's heart rate and my contractions. Today I was having contractions 5 minutes apart, as I have been for a couple of days. His heart rate is perfect!

The second test we get every week is the biophysical profile, or BPP.  This test utilizes an ultrasound in which 5 different areas are observed and scored. Each area is assigned up to two points, for a possible total score of 10.

The five areas to be scored are:
1. Fetal heart rate
2. Fetal breathing movements
3. Fetal body movements
4. Fetal mustodayone
5. Amount of amniotic fluid

Today Logan scored a perfect 10 which is absolutely reassuring and the added bonus is that I was able to get a 3d picture of my Little Fox that you see posted today!

My ob explained this monitoring is usually done on expectant mothers who are at higher risk of delivering stillborn due to certain medical conditions. While I do not fall into those medical cacategories so my risk of having him born still birth are not high, I'm high risk for preterm labor. However the reason I am now on this program is that after feeling him move since I was thirteen weeks along, I suddenly stopped feeling most movements a few days ago. 

The loss of feeling is not due to lack of movement on his part but a change in the ability to feel the sensations of his movement on my part.  Since I can't feel his movements most of the time now, I have no way of knowing if his movements decrease or cease hence the need for weekly monitoring.

I feel very fortunate to have such an attentive, caring, and proactive doctor!

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